Support for students  

If you feel you or anyone else is in immediate danger or are feeling threatened call the Police on 999. 

Completing a Report + Support submission to “Speak to an advisor” will put you in touch with our Harassment and Sexual Violence Liaison Officer, who will be able to advise on reporting and connect you with specialist support. 

Student Support and Wellbeing Advisers The Advisers support students in making informed decisions through one-to-one conversations, be it related to personal, general wellbeing, financial, housing, or academic matters. The Wellbeing Advisers can be a triage service to other more specialist areas within the Student Wellbeing Service, including  Mental Wellbeing and  Disability Services .
You can also access support within your Academic School by talking with your Personal Academic Tutor, or a Programme Support Officer in your faculty. 

Spectrum.Life offers immediate online, text and telephone support from qualified professionals. You can talk to them about anything, including stress, anxiety, low mood, financial worries, loss and grief, relationship difficulties, substance abuse issues and much more. They will work with you in getting initial help and liaise with the Mental Wellbeing Team for ongoing support. 
Telephone: 0800 0318227
WhatsApp: Text “Hi” to 0741836 0780 

External support

Kent Police run a drop in at the university weekly for students. This services runs every Tuesday from 13:00-15:00. 

Each meeting is dependent on the individual, but below are some things you can expect to discuss:

  • Informal advice around reporting options
  • Reporting to the police
  • Personal safety support and advice
  • Signposting to support services
  • Support with information regarding ongoing police investigations
All conversations are confidential, and we do not share student surnames with Kent Police when booking appointments unless requested by you, this allows anonymity at your discretion. The officer will explain information sharing exceptions at the start of your appointment.

You do not need to make a report to police in order to access this service.

The Kent Police drop-in is available by appointment, in-person and online.

You can find the link to make a booking for this service through the following, Kent Police Drop-in - Canterbury Christ Church University

  • Victim Support. Provide free and confidential support to help you deal with your experience, whether or not you report the crime.  Call 0808 168 9111/0808 168 9276
Victim Support provide a specialist Stalking Advocacy Service: 
Victim Support Kent has a bespoke service dedicated to supporting victims of stalking. Within the team we have trained ISACs (Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers), who will work with anyone who has been the subject
of stalking behaviour and is living in Kent or Medway. 
When you contact us we will work with you in a number of areas, such as: 
Assessing risk
Developing a safety plan and provide free security items
Support with gathering evidence of the stalking behaviours 
Proactively work with other support services 

Victim Support Drop-in: 
Victim Support Kent are offering a drop-in service to anyone affected by crime. We are offering a free and confidential space within Canterbury Christ Church University should you wish to come and speak to a specially trained member of staff, to explore what support is available. This can be arranged through Report and Support when you speak with an advisor. 

Support for staff 

The University has a range of policies, guidance and services to support you at work. Find out more here. offers colleagues a safe, confidential space to access professional advice, guidance and support. The service is accessible 24/7, 365 days a year and is completely free to all staff and their immediate family members living in the same household (excluding children under 16 years of age). 
It provides short-term, solution-focused counselling and referral services as well as an online wellness platform providing a range of support guides and resources on a range of wellbeing topics. 
The online portal has smart content tailored to users interests and the app (available via the app store) makes the platform easy to access ‘on the go’.

Trade Unions. There are three trade unions that represent staff at the University - Unison, Unite and UCU. 

Employee Network Groups. The University has a number of employee network groups. They are a fantastic way to network with people from all over the University, build contacts, share experiences, arrange events and socialise.

For more information and to find out more about using Report and Support, please take a look at these pages

There are two ways you can tell us what happened