What issues can Report + Support help with?
  • Bullying 
  • Harassment 
  • Discrimination or Hate Crime 
  • Relationship or Domestic Abuse 
  • Sexual Harassment 
  • Sexual Violence 
If you would like to make a report which you feel is not covered by these areas you can either contact a Support and Wellbeing Adviser or HR Adviser, or make a report and we will signpost it accordingly. 

The system is not designed to support academic complaints or complaints relating to accommodation. For more information about academic disciplinary matters or other complaints processes, please visit the policy zone: //www.canterbury.ac.uk/students/current-students/academic-services/policy-zone/policy-zone-categories.aspx

So what will happen to your report?

Anonymous reporting

If you choose to report anonymously we cannot take any direct action, or make contact with you, as we do not have your consent. What we can do is keep an eye out for negative trends and take indirect interventions. This could include a poster campaign or soft targeting of training options already available. 

Named reporting 

All named reports will be offered an options meeting. In this meeting one of our advisors will talk you through your options, which will generally be: 

•       Support from Student Support, Health and Wellbeing 
•       Support with making a report to the University under the disciplinary processes
•       Support with making a report to the police or another external body

We have a range of experts who look after these different areas. 

Where a member of staff is involved 

Reports made by members of staff or about members of staff will be triaged to HR to lead, in line with their policies and procedures. Students reporting against a member of staff will be offered support from the Student Support, Health and Wellbeing Team. 

Reporting in an emergency 

Report and Support is not designed for emergency situations. If an assault has just taken place and you are not in a safe place, feel at risk, or have any injuries that require urgent attention, call the emergency services on 999 (9999 if you are using a University telephone). If you are on campus, you can also call Security on 01227 922355. Alternatively you can use SafeZone. 


SafeZone is a safety app which Canterbury Christ Church University is making available to all its students and staff at all its campuses. 

The app allows you to alert University Security if you ever need urgent assistance, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus via your mobile phone. 

The system is privacy protected, so will never share your location, unless you summon assistance or if you use the check-in function. This also means the app will not drain your mobile phone battery. 

SafeZone is simple-to-use and free to download here:
Once you have downloaded the SafeZone app, you need to sign up using your University email. 

SafeZone has 3 main buttons that can be used to request assistance from Security: 
  • First Aid
  • Enquiries
  • Emergency
If a button is pressed in error, the alert can be cancelled by tapping the button again, whilst the timer is winding down. SafeZone uses high-speed push messaging to allow Security to send you important notifications in the case of an emergency or critical incident on campus. The 'Check-in' function allows you to let Security know where you are if you are working alone, or outside of normal working hours. SafeZone does not track your location. You only become visible on the system once you have raised an alert or checked-in.

Read about SafeZone's privacy provisions

What if the incident takes place in the evening or at the weekend?

Our advisors will respond to reports during normal working hours (9 am - 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday, not including bank holidays). Please allow up to 3 working days for them to respond. 

Will my reports be confidential?

Any information you disclose is confidential between you and the Report + Support team. In your follow up with our advisors, you will be able to decide what steps the University takes to support you.  

What if I want to remove my report?

If you have submitted a report and would like to have it removed please email report.support@canterbury.ac.uk  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened